Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gardening for 1 (and a dog)

I am nearing the end of my two weeks sans-husband. I long to see Ryan, but I long to still linger in these slow, independent, flying-solo days I've been having. The weather has been perfect. Sadie (pictured above) and I did some gardening, planting peppers and keeping an eye on our enormous tomato plants. She has been a great companion, almost completely eliminating the need for another human's company.

Of course, these days have also been filled with many social engagements, including two nights in a row of performing with my sister at our local tavern-on-the-square. We had a grand time seeing familiar faces and getting to know the bands with which we shared the bill. Tomorrow night will be a night out in Baltimore dancing with girlfriends. And then...he's back. I wonder which habits I will fall back into and which I will attempt to maintain from my weeks alone. I've definitely made the best of these days, as if they were a gift - something new to cherish.

What do you do differently when you are alone?

Flying solo for one more day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For me the question is more like "What do I do different when I'm with others?" (considering I am alone all the time.)

Social influences can really mask our true intentions and desires...