Tonight, Ryan made a delicious meal of Pasta with Mustard Greens and Ricotta, accompanied by Shredded Carrot Salad with Fresh Parsley and Raspberry Vinaigrette. Spring is the time to rediscover many of earth’s bounties that we have missed over the past fall and winter months (or they just were not as fresh because they were shipped from hundreds of miles away). Fresh strawberries and greens of all kinds are just some of the in-season delicacies to be enjoyed this time of year. I revisited the meaning of Easter this year when I read about its pagan origins and the rite of spring that has been celebrated for thousands of years. No matter what your religious affiliation, if any, it nourishes the spirit to celebrate the seasons, and I feel I get equally excited about winter turning to spring, spring turning to summer, and so on. It is nature’s cycle, and our adaptations to each shift, that makes us so intrinsically tied to the earth as humans.
We have been cooking with more greens and feeling less tempted to eat heavy foods now that spring is in full-force. Trips to our local Food Co-op have become more joyful, with produce bins filled to the brim with new colors, shapes, and textures. Yesterday, we cleaned our kitchen from top to bottom with spring-cleaning gusto (OK, maybe “gusto” isn’t quite the word). This feat always renews my appreciation for the space in which we make our meals. So, after our lovely spring dinner tonight with our friend, Conrad, I finished cleaning the dishes and wiping down the counters to find that a thunderstorm was underway. This spring rain, always a blessing in Texas, will not dampen our spirits. We welcome it by opening the screen door after days of thick humidity. We welcome spring’s gestures, be they mild or powerful, with full lungs and open hearts.
Larissa, you have excellent writing skills :-)
# 1 French reader
This is a little ditty I enjoy to remind me that the eminance of change is not always filled with doom, rather filled with the hope that we receive the chance for a new perspective. Welcome Spring!!
"Turning Words"
by James Geary
"The best things in life are free, or so we are told. Well, I don't know about that. What I do know is, the best things in life are brief. Pleasure has an extremely short half-life. If something marvelous goes on for too long, we start to feel bored and uncomfortable. "When a rainbow has lasted as long as a quarter of an hour we stop looking at it," John Wolfgang von Goethe wrote. Rainbows are miraculous things but their fame, like our own, lasts just about 15 minutes. That's not a bad thing, I think. Our most intense sensations- whether sensual, intellectual, or spiritual- are always fleeting. In fact, they are all the more intense for being so short. It's like being in an earthquake. The Earth moves only for a few seconds, but the experience leaves us permanently rattled."
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